Grain Marketing is hard.
We're here to help.
Farmer's Keeper LLC helps Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Farmers manage price risk of their grain sales through no-margin Pricing Tools offered by the clearing firm StoneX and coordinating logistics when there are stronger basis bids outside their local markets.
We work with Farmers in every major grain state with all levels of size and grain marketing sophistication. That perspective brings value to all of our customers because we’ve seen it all. We want to help you succeed in the field and across the scales.
Why Choose Us?
Your Personal Grain Merchandiser
Farmer's Keeper LLC is an extension of your team. That means helping merchandise your grain. Including managing logistics, booking trucks, negotiating basis, talking through grain marketing strategies, and watching the commodity markets while you're busy on the farm.
Farmers repeat hedging with us
Farmers sell more bushels with us YoY
Price grain using both Pricing Tools and MPPs
Why Farmer's Keeper LLC?
Farmers want to manage price risk but don’t want margin calls. Our Pricing Tools never have margin calls because you’re delivering physical grain, not “paper trading”. Pricing grain futures directly with an elevator eliminates basis and delivery flexibility. Pricing with Farmer’s Keeper maintains choice of delivery location until you’re ready to commit to a basis price. Grain marketing strategies differ based on each individual farm. Pricing Tools give you control, while Managed Pricing Programs take emotion out of grain sales.
Millions of Bushels Hedged
We've seen all types of markets.
Thousands of Farmers
Every Farm operation is unique.
Play the Basis
Deliver Anywhere.
What Customers Are Saying
About Us
I've built a strong relationship around trust with the team at Farmer's Keeper. Their quick responses and knowledgeable customer service help keep me up to date on the grain markets.

Thomas Y, Eastern Iowa
We'll sell grain to whoever's got the best basis in our area. With Farmer's Keeper, we can price futures without committing bushels to one elevator. Now we know we'll get the best basis available later in the season.

Gill V, Northern Illinois
Newyork CityMargin calls have crippled Farms over the past couple of years. Farmer's Keeper gives us the ability to sell cash grain without worrying about margin calls if the market goes against us.

Mark S, South East Minnesota
Ceo Of MrBackI'm too busy on the farm to watch the markets every second and study marketing strategies. I have peace of mind knowing some of my bushels are in a Farmer's Keeper Managed Pricing Program so I can get back to farming.

Joseph J, Eastern Nebraska
Newyork City